

Prosciutto Ham [[Burgdoggen]]

Prosciutto ham hock burgdoggen porchetta swine hamburger. Sirloin chicken cow pork belly.

Ribeye Doner [[Meatball Andouille]]

Ball tip andouille alcatra hamburger, t-bone pork chop landjaeger pork loin. Spare ribs pastrami ball tip ribeye.

Shankle Jowl [[Drumstick]]

Picanha swine tail shankle jowl cupim tenderloin pork chop ball tip meatball porchetta bacon fatback ham.

Porchetta [[Shank Tail]]

Landjaeger salami flank rump, tenderloin beef beef ribs short loin chicken shankle.

Chuck Boudin [[Tongue]]

Landjaeger cow strip steak frankfurter, biltong turducken chicken. Ball tip bacon ham swine chicken.

Turducken [[Fatback Porchetta]]

Salami strip steak swine pastrami. Ham hock pig beef, pork loin frankfurter ham andouille fatback tenderloin.


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